The marketplace for the anonymous P2P trading
of unused GB's of mobile internet access subscriptions

Transform excess into access: #ShareYourGBs!

The mobile internet access industry hides a paradox... We are squeezed between low cost subscriptions with less than 100 MB's of internet access, and higher cost subscriptions with 25 or more GB's, while the average need of mobile internet access is around 15 GBs per month, worldwide!

Every month, either we waste our unused GB's, or we have to buy more!

#dot:dot is the first ever platform enabling the anonymous P2P sharing of unused GB's of mobile internet access!

Buy a #dot below, share your unused GB's via the #dot:dot app and - like Amelie - become a #doter!
Scan around you, spot a "#dot:dot" WiFi in your WiFi settings, connect through the #dot:dot app and - like Nathan - become a "#dotee"!

#dot's are small WiFi hubs at the core of #dot:dot's technology: they'll soon be ready for sale! Leave us your email, and we'll ping you when #dot's are ready for shipment (scheduled 2024)!

Transform excess into access: #ShareYourGBs!

The procedure to pair your phone with a #dot is a 5 min step carried out only once: watch the tutorial video and get going!
Once done, every time you switch on your #dot, you will create a "#dot:dot" WiFi up to 100 meters around you and be able to share your unused GBs, safely and anonymously!
Create your account on the #dot:dot app, and off you go!
Connect to the #dot:dot WiFi
Anyone can connect to the #dot:dot WiFi network and become a #dotee!

It just takes to download the #dot:dot app and create an account!

Whenever a #dot:dot WiFi is available near you, just enter how many GB's you need, agree on the transaction, and surf!

Transform excess into access: #ShareYourGBs!

A quick glance at emails!...

I never know how much Giga's I need, but now, with #dot:dot, it does not matter! I can use just the Gigas of mobile data I need! Yesterday, I could connect and download my emails just before catching the train!

Watch videos!...

Every time I go to the doctor's, I am in a white zone. Seems like my mobile operator is the only one to be absent in the area! Today I could connect to a #dot and watch the last 5 minutes of the episode I could not finish yesterday!

Share things on my networks!

So cool to see #doters around us while we travel abroad! We could access internet easily without the roaming costs and share things to our Friends!

#dot's are powerful low cost repeaters that can spontaneously mesh and create a wealth of use cases!

Off-grid Mesh

We propose hardened versions of #dot's configured for automatic and self-healing meshing. These are well suited for Defense applications to build off-grid meshes ie private WiFi meshes not connected to the internet, on which apps such as CivTAK and ATAK can run at up to 10-15 Mbps to share text, image and video content. Contact us for more!

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WiFi Repeater

We propose versions of #dot's configured for automatic and self-healing meshing + connexion to any internet gateway (public WiFi, home or office box, smartphone hotspot...etc), to repeat internet access throughout the mesh. These are well suited for easy deployment of internet access without infrastructure, like underground networks in white zones or classified installations, or for internet access in thick-walled homes! Contact us for more!

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Monetizing my network

#dot:dot turns any crowd - car, bicycle or scooter fleet, human crowd or animal herd, ...etc - into a monetizable private network: the crowd becomes a mesh, and can propagate a WiFi signal everywhere the crowd is present, including in mobile white zones. From car fleets to urban internet, #dot:dot helps "crowd owners" to explore new sources of revenue! Contact us for more!

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Transform excess into access: #ShareYourGBs!

#dot:dot at the IoT Show in Bengalore!

#dot:dot at the IoT Show in Bengalore!


#dot:dot is showcasing its new marketplace for the P2P trading of unused Gigabytes of mobile data! Join us at the KTPO Convention Center in Bengalore and pass by our booth on Jan.31 - Feb.02 2024!

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Meet #dot:dot at EcoMotion Week 2023!

Meet #dot:dot at EcoMotion Week 2023!


#dot:dot will be present at booth #271 at the EcoMotion Week in Tel Aviv on May 22-24, to present its SIM-less mesh network solution for Fleet Management: #dot:dot builds a through-car WiFi network that enables viral FOTA = fleet car updates without data subscription cards nor cloud. Pass by for a demo?

En savoir plus
#dot:dot est Honorée au SOFLAB, le hub de l'innovation du salon des Forces Spéciales SOFINS 2023!

#dot:dot est Honorée au SOFLAB, le hub de l'innovation du salon des Forces Spéciales SOFINS 2023!


#dot:dot a été sélectionnée parmi 150 startups pour exposer au SOFLAB lors du SOFINS 2023, le très select salon des Forces Spéciales, organisé par le Cercle de l’Arbalète. #dot:dot est une solution souveraine permettant de déployer instantanément des réseaux locaux à haut débit (10-15 MB/s) sur des terrains non préparés, sans aucune infrastructure, ni préalable, ni opérationnelle.

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#dot:dot est en finale régionale des #CICBusinessAwards !

#dot:dot est en finale régionale des #CICBusinessAwards !


🙌 #dot:dot est sélectionnée pour les #CICBusinessAwards à Lyon les 23 et 24/11 ! Vous pourrez suivre en direct 📺 les pitchs et les résultats des finales en ligne ! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant 📅 sur le lien ! 🚀 #CICBusinessAwards #ConnectTheDotsAndGoSIMLess

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#dot:dot ends #2 at the Best Pitch Contest in Barcelona!

#dot:dot ends #2 at the Best Pitch Contest in Barcelona!


🏆 As part of the Stage 2 Demo Day of the 5G Turbo Accelerator of the European Innovation Technology center for Urban Mobility, #dot:dot won the #2 award of the Best Pitch Contest! Can't wait for the final raking of startups who will pitch in front of investors in March 2023!

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#dot:dot sélectionnée dans les gagnants de l'Opération i-Naval 2022

#dot:dot sélectionnée dans les gagnants de l'Opération i-Naval 2022


#dot:dot a été retenue dans le scénario de simulation "Réponse à une cyber-attaque" de l'opération #iNaval de la DGA - Direction Générale de l'Armement, comme Réseau Tactique d'Opérations Déployable !

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#dot:dot wins Data & AI innovation award at "#10000Startups to Change the World"

#dot:dot wins Data & AI innovation award at "#10000Startups to Change the World"


Le Prix 10.000 startups pour changer le monde, organisé par La Tribune, a récompensé à Lyon #dot:dot dans la catégorie "Data & IA". #dot:dot est une startup Grenobloise spécialisée dans les réseaux mesh WiFi.

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#dot:dot selected for stage 2 at the "5G Turbo" accelerator by EIT Urban Mobility

#dot:dot selected for stage 2 at the "5G Turbo" accelerator by EIT Urban Mobility


Following the Demo Days in Vigo, #dot:dot is selected to go on EIT Urban Mobility #5GturboAccelerator stage 2! It was a great event, thank you CTAG – Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia, EIT Urban Mobility, CARNET and NextMove!

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#dot:dot selected in the "5G Turbo Accelerator" by EIT Urban Mobility

#dot:dot selected in the "5G Turbo Accelerator" by EIT Urban Mobility


#dot:dot is today in Vigo for the Demo Days of the #5GTurbo Accelerator of EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a pan-European partnership bringing together businesses, education, research excellence institutions and multifaceted cities on the topic of #urbanmobility.

En savoir plus

Transform excess into access: #ShareYourGBs!

You can reach us by sending an email ( or by filling the form! Talk to you soon!

Transform excess into access: #ShareYourGBs! - FAQ's

What is #dot:dot?
#dot:dot is a marketplace that enables the peer-to-peer, anonymous and secure sharing of unused gigabytes of mobile internet access.
How does #dot:dot work?
#dot:dot works thanks to a small WIFI emitter called a #dot, which is paired with the cell phone of the person sharing their gigabytes of mobile internet access. An account must be created on the #dot:dot application to perform this pairing: the box then creates, within a 100-meter radius of the transmitter, a 2.4 GHz WiFi that appears as "#dot:dot" in the WiFi settings of any smartphone in the vicinity. Without knowing who the source of the emission is, any user with a validated account on the #dot:dot app can connect to this #dot:dot network in return for a transaction, free or paid - at the discretion of the sharing user - carried out in the app.
Do I need to buy a #dot device to use #dot:dot?
Yes, if you're more of a "#doter" and want to share your unused Gigabytes of mobile internet access.
No if you're "#dotee" and want unrestricted access to the Internet, paying only for the Gigabytes you actually use, on demand.
It's like "connection sharing ++": why do I need the #dot? Why not a "simple" app without a box?
Only the #doter needs a #dot to share their Gigabytes: a #dotee doesn't need one, they only need the #dot:dot application to benefit from the #dot:dot network
For a #doter, using the #dot offers several unique advantages:
  • Anonymity of sharing and transactions: while many users are interested in sharing their Gigas of Internet access, few want to do so face-to-face. Sharing a hotspot connection requires one to communicate their password, and therefore cannot be done anonymously.
  • Cybersecurity: Doing the same from just within an app his would require accessing directly to the AP software layers of the phone, which is undoable for a developer, and would trigger severe security breaches.
  • Range: between 100 and 150 meters, depending on the #dot model (with or without an external antenna), far greater than the 20 to 25 meters of a connection shared directly from a smartphone, where anonymity is uncertain.
What advantages does #dot:dot offer?
For a #doter, #dot:dot lets #doters share Gigas that would be wasted at the end of the month anyway. If these Gigas are sold, they reduce the cost of their mobile subscription.
For a #dotee, #dot:dot allows you to restrict your mobile Internet access budget to what's strictly necessary, without the pressure of a subscription that you never use up completely, or the pressure of knowing "how many Gigas you're going to need" - in other words, an "on-demand" offer that doesn't exist on the mobile Internet market today.
I'm a #doter: can I set the selling price of my Gigas?
No, the selling price of shared Gigas is fixed at 1 Euro per Giga (in France), and this price cannot be modified in the application.
On the other hand, each #doter can choose to share their Gigas free of charge: an option in the app allows this decision to be made. In all cases, the quantity of Gigas shared remains fixed by the #doter.
How much throughput can I expect on WiFi #dot:dot? Do I still have throughput for myself if I'm connected to my #dot?
The maximum throughput of a #dot is currently 15 MBps (Megabits per second). To prevent the #dots from having too low a throughput, we limit the number of #dots per #dot to 3. Knowing that you can retrieve your e-mails at as little as 1 MBps, watch a video on YouTube in SD at as little as 3 MBps and a movie on Netflix in HD at as little as 7 MBps, the speed of the #dot:dot network is sufficient for many use cases.
As the speed of a 4G or 5G connection is in the range of 50 to 150 MBps, there's usually enough throughput left on the #doter's phone for sharing to go unnoticed on their phone.
Is the #dot:dot network secure?
Yes, #dot:dot is designed with security in mind. Baseline, it's a network with WPA3 encryption. Being based on a Zero-Trust procedure, the #dot:dot WiFi is actually more secure than most public WiFi hotspots.
No data is shared between the #doter and the #dotee: what is shared is the #doter’s right to access the Internet, via the shared connection between the #doter’s smartphone and their #dot. A #doter never shares data – in particular personal data – with anyone connected to their #dot, and a #dotee never shares data – in particular personal data – with the #doter when connecting to their #dot.
What about my personal data? Can someone connect to my phone via my #dot and pretend to be me?
The #doter and #dotee each identify themselves with the #dot:dot cloud to authenticate, through the #dot:dot app. The authentication procedure is such that #dot:dot is immune to the most common types of hacking like Man-in-the-Middle, unlike most public WiFi’s: for a #dotee, it is safer to connect to a #dot than to a public WiFi!
A #dotee's smartphone never "talks" to your smartphone: it uses the specific channel of your smartphone's shared connection to access the Internet, so the level of security is the same as if you were sharing your connection directly.
No, no one can "hide" behind your #dot: as you'll easily see when you create your account on the #dot:dot application, you're not asked for anything apart from your mobile number: no name, no email, no address. We have no way of knowing who you are, and we won't ask. This mobile number serves two purposes:
  • It certifies that only #dot:dot registered phones can connect and carry out transactions
  • It enables us to comply with the anti-terrorism law, just like any mobile operator. At the request of the police authorities, we must provide the phone number of #doter and #dotee and authorities can clearly make the difference.
How long does the battery last on the #dot device?
The #dot device has a buffer battery that provides 24 hours of continuous use. In intermittent use, i.e. around 1 to 2 hours a day, a #dot has a battery life of around ten days. It can be easily recharged via its USB-C plug.
How do I become a #doter?
To become a #doter, simply purchase a #dot and create an account on the #dot:dot application, indicating the amount of data you wish to share, and your availability.
How can I connect to the internet with #dot:dot and become #dotee?
As soon as you see a #dot:dot WiFi network nearby (do not forget that #dot:dot is presently under the 2.4GHz band only for the moment! Check whether your phone natively sees such networks), you can connect to it. You'll be directed to the #dot:dot application, where you can buy the megabytes or gigabytes you need, using the money reserve of your wallet. The amount in your wallet has no time limit. The amount actually billed to you is decided when the connection is interrupted, for whatever reason, according to the number of Gigas you have actually used.
As a #doter, how are users billed when they connect to my #dot? When and how do I get paid?
#dotees are billed at the end of the connection to your #dot, only for the amount of data they have actually consumed.
The amount billed is credited to your wallet, so you can see that your connection has actually been shared!On the 28th of each month, we draw up a statement and transfer to your bank account - usually on the 1st or 2nd of the following month - the amounts credited to your wallet since the 28th of the previous month.
Where can I buy a #dot and find out more about #dot:dot?
You can buy a #dot on the official #dot:dot website at For more information, visit our website or contact our customer service department.
Price of 1 Gigabyte is low in my country, what is the interest of #dot:dot?
#dot:dot promise is valid whatever the price of 1 Gigabyte: it reduces the impact of internet connexion to your monthly budget. Indeed:
  • From the seller viewpoint: whatever the price one pays for a subscription, #dot:dot holds the promise to reduce the cost of the said subscription, and (if you're a good seller!) even to generate a small profit with it = it impacts one's end of month budget
  • From the buyer viewpoint: a "cheap" subscription of say 10€ a month for 20 GB will turn out to be always too expensive if the need is closer to the equivalent of 1€. With #dot:dot, the buyer will satisfy their need for a budget of 1€ at the end of the month, not 10€...